Bar Dolasilla

Refreshments in front of the imposing Dolomites

In the bar of the Hotel Dolasilla in La Villa a rustic and relaxing surrounding is waiting for you. The bar stays open all day, also for external guests.
Beyond the spacious terrace outside, the indoor environment is characterized by large windows, which allow to enjoy a breath-taking view over the whole range of Fanes, starting from the Santa Croce, to Conturines, to Lavarella and till the Lagazuoi.

To take refreshment in front of the enchantment of the Dolomites, our bar is surely the ideal place.
Mountain Panoramic Wellness Hotel Dolasilla
Family Frenademez Mirko
Str. Rottonara, 30  .  39036 La Villa  .  Italy
Tel +39 0471 847006  .  Fax +39 0471 847349
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